digital art,
tati ferrigno
At the end of November I went on a last minute trip to New York, it wasn't like anything I expected and I loved it even more for it.
I don't know if it was the place or the fact it was a change of scene but I definitely came back revitalised and inspired!
Although there is so much to do in New York, it made me fall in love with my own city all over again by helping me realise that there is plenty of new and exciting things to do if you only look for it.
Here is a 360 degree video to give you a true impression of the bright lights of Times Square as well as some of my favourite images that I took.
Although there is so much to do in New York, it made me fall in love with my own city all over again by helping me realise that there is plenty of new and exciting things to do if you only look for it.
Here is a 360 degree video to give you a true impression of the bright lights of Times Square as well as some of my favourite images that I took.
central park,
empire state building,
new york,
radio city,
Just before Christmas I went to the cinema to see "It's a Wonderful Life" for the first time and loved it. I was aware that it was about a man who was shown what everyone's life would have been like if he had never existed but the way the story was laid out, showing you his ambitions as a young boy to travel and leave the small town that he was brought up in helped you understand the helplessness he felt when life's circumstances stopped him from doing that.
It made me think about how life might not turn out how you expect it but you will still be exactly where you need to be, for yourself and others.
However in his alternative life he was surrounded by friends and family who adored him.
It made me think about how life might not turn out how you expect it but you will still be exactly where you need to be, for yourself and others.
its a wonderful life,
The last Xmas gift has been wrapped, the bows have been stuck and posted today so we thought we would create something just for you. Here is a free Gift Tag design for you to print and add to your presents.

Once all your Gift's are wrapped why not add some Christmas decorations with these specially designed paper chains.
They are so simple to make the kids can help too!
Simply right click and save the JPEG to your computer and print onto good quality card and then:
Here's one we made earlier.
Why not add some Christmas sparkle to your presents and double layer your Gift Tag with a glitter card circle and finish it off with a festive red ribbon.

Once all your Gift's are wrapped why not add some Christmas decorations with these specially designed paper chains.
They are so simple to make the kids can help too!
Simply right click and save the JPEG to your computer and print onto good quality card and then:
1. Print as many as you want
2. Cut out each chain along the black line
3. Sellotape or staple the ends of one piece together to form a loop
4. Thread the next strip of paper through your loop. Again secure the ends together.
5. Continue until its as long as you need it
6. Hang it to add some festive cheer
All photos and artwork are © Stacey Wilson for DeesignGeek. Artwork in the downloadable JPEG is free strictly for personal use, not for commercial use. Sharing these photos on Pinterest is welcome as long as you credit and link back to deesigngeek.com. If you'd like to blog about this post, a) I will love you forever and b) feel free to use the photos provided that you link back to the full post on this page. Please do not distribute my downloadable artwork from your site and, as a courtesy please link back to this page.
Thanks so much for reading this boring footer stuff! :)
{ all images by Stacey Wilson}
I absolutely love Christmas and to say a great big "Thank You" to my lovely freelance clients that I've created designs for in 2012 instead of sending a Christmas card I decided to design a Christmas gift pack. Here are images of the a milk carton shaped container I created which held the "Milk" and Cookie Gifts.
No pack would be complete without a Christmas card which also included a badge.
They are intended for them to leave out for Santa but they probably deserve them just as much.
They are intended for them to leave out for Santa but they probably deserve them just as much.
The weather has been so nice that the DeesignGeek studio decided to have a garden party. I couldn't resist adding a bit of sparkle to it and made these sweet holders / table decorations to scatter about the place.

When the last sandwich was eaten and the puch was drunk we couldn't bring ourselves to throw them away so we turned them into a glitterati mobile for the studio.
The name of this hotel in Marseille, France is a clue to what you can expect from the unique decor.
Six graffiti artists are given a room each as a 3D canvas to to express their creativity. To keep it fresh the rooms are changed every year. The hotel's aim is to give the opportunity to visitors to see art in a different way, entering an artist's universe. They don't impose any theme so the artists have 'carte blanche'.
The hotel closes for a month and takes a week to complete and from the look of pictures it is worth it.
As you've probably guessed by now I love all things to do with design but here are some other things that I honestly could not live without!
#1 Barcelona.
I love traveling to different cities but Barcelona is the first place that I have been to where I have instantly thought "I could live here!".
#2 Cheescake.
I love desserts but Cheescake is my absolute fave. It does'nt have to be fancy, have fruit or decorations on it. Just a simple Baked New York Vanilla Cheesecake is my idea of heaven.
#3 Films.
I am a total film geek. No matter if it is of the cartoon, foreign, biographical or fanstay genre I will watch it. One film that I actually flagged up as my fave in a job interview when I was asked tell me something that is not on your CV is "This is England" by the director Shane Meadows. This is epic as a stand alone film but he then spoiled us and went on to create the drama Series "This is England '84" and "This is England '86".
#4 High Heels.
I am only 5", I would love to be taller but for now I wear high heels everywhere.
I don' know what I do without them.
#5 Reading.
As much as I am a DeesignGeek I am probably a BookGeek in equal measures! There's nothing better than reading a book that transports you to a different world and you can block out the outside world.
#6 Graffiti.
I suppose this is still design related but art and design is such a big part of my life that I couldn't leave it out. I think I love Graffiti as it is usually found on dark, bland and grey surfaces in industrial estates or on subway trains and injects a splash of colour and generally brightens up the place.
#7 Keeping Fit.
I honestly believe that a healthy body makes a healthy mind.
Don't get me wrong I'm not a gym fanatic getting a session in before work, no no no but I do try to go at least 3 times a week (which usually ends up being twice).
Its just makes me feel better and happier and it even helps with ideas when I have a creative block. Hey and if I lose a few pounds all the better!
#8 Socialising.
Theres nothing better than having a catch up with your friends with a refreshing Mojito.
There is a great little Mojito bar in Barcelona (my #1 love) and yes this reminds me of holidays so I am really combing 3 loves in 1 here. Is that allowed? Ok I won't tell if you won't.
#9 Laughing.
Who doesn't like a good belly laugh. It makes everything instantly alright. I am lucky enough to have some good friends that have the same sense of humour as me and they are worth their weight in gold. Sometimes we take life and ourselves too seriously, but a good giggle can definatey make you feel like you can take on the world.
P.S I aspire to be as happy as the little girl in the photo, who looks like she is having the best time ever!
#10 Family.
And last but definately not least, The Wilson's. Yup my family
(no not in the picture I am talking figuratively!) We are all different in our own way and I am very independant but I know that if I ever need them that they would be there for me and that's a pretty good feeling.
#1 Barcelona.
I love traveling to different cities but Barcelona is the first place that I have been to where I have instantly thought "I could live here!".
#2 Cheescake.
I love desserts but Cheescake is my absolute fave. It does'nt have to be fancy, have fruit or decorations on it. Just a simple Baked New York Vanilla Cheesecake is my idea of heaven.
#3 Films.
I am a total film geek. No matter if it is of the cartoon, foreign, biographical or fanstay genre I will watch it. One film that I actually flagged up as my fave in a job interview when I was asked tell me something that is not on your CV is "This is England" by the director Shane Meadows. This is epic as a stand alone film but he then spoiled us and went on to create the drama Series "This is England '84" and "This is England '86".
#4 High Heels.
I am only 5", I would love to be taller but for now I wear high heels everywhere.
I don' know what I do without them.
#5 Reading.
As much as I am a DeesignGeek I am probably a BookGeek in equal measures! There's nothing better than reading a book that transports you to a different world and you can block out the outside world.
#6 Graffiti.
I suppose this is still design related but art and design is such a big part of my life that I couldn't leave it out. I think I love Graffiti as it is usually found on dark, bland and grey surfaces in industrial estates or on subway trains and injects a splash of colour and generally brightens up the place.
#7 Keeping Fit.
I honestly believe that a healthy body makes a healthy mind.
Don't get me wrong I'm not a gym fanatic getting a session in before work, no no no but I do try to go at least 3 times a week (which usually ends up being twice).
Its just makes me feel better and happier and it even helps with ideas when I have a creative block. Hey and if I lose a few pounds all the better!
#8 Socialising.
Theres nothing better than having a catch up with your friends with a refreshing Mojito.
There is a great little Mojito bar in Barcelona (my #1 love) and yes this reminds me of holidays so I am really combing 3 loves in 1 here. Is that allowed? Ok I won't tell if you won't.
#9 Laughing.
Who doesn't like a good belly laugh. It makes everything instantly alright. I am lucky enough to have some good friends that have the same sense of humour as me and they are worth their weight in gold. Sometimes we take life and ourselves too seriously, but a good giggle can definatey make you feel like you can take on the world.
P.S I aspire to be as happy as the little girl in the photo, who looks like she is having the best time ever!
And last but definately not least, The Wilson's. Yup my family
(no not in the picture I am talking figuratively!) We are all different in our own way and I am very independant but I know that if I ever need them that they would be there for me and that's a pretty good feeling.
10 things i love,
high heels,
keeping fit,
this is england
Is it fabric? Is it smoke?
Believe it or not it is actually photographs of ink in water taken by the artist Alberto Seveso.
The duo pigments make these shots truly beautiful.
Believe it or not it is actually photographs of ink in water taken by the artist Alberto Seveso.
The duo pigments make these shots truly beautiful.
Alberto Seveso,
Spring is finally here and as I was trawling through the Spring LookBooks of various clothing labels one cover instantly caught my eye and has captured the very essence of Spring, that label is Unif Clothing and here is the cover shot. I think its beautiful.
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