

It happens every year. 
365 days pass.
You become a year older.
I was 34 in August.
This is the first year that I wasn't looking forward to adding another candle to my cake, this surprised me and sort of scared me. But instead of stressing about something I can't change I decided to step back and reflect on everything I've learnt in the past 34 years.
1. You are so much more than your job.

2. I am enough

3. Eating can well is the best way to show yourself LOVE and RESPECT

4. Thoughts are things

5. You don't always have to be doing something, sometimes it's enough to just "be"

6. When it comes to friends, I'll take quality over quantity every time

7. Family's worth the effort

8.No matter how sad I feel Candi Statons "You've Got the Love" always make me feel better.

9. Don't think before you speak

10. Time is an illusion

11. Scottish road trips are good for my soul

12. ....but so are holidays sunning myself by a pool

13. Drawing relaxes me

14. Bright pink lipstick is an instant pick me up

15. Exercise makes me happy

16. The world needs more kindness

17. Life is easier when you have money, but good friends, love and laughs are just as important

18. Sometimes you have to force yourself to do the thing that scares you the most, but when the alternative is staying where you are where's the fun in that

19. "Be Yourself. 
In the past I haven't been honest with myself or others about my dreams or interests in case they think I'm weird. How boring would the world be if we were all the same? 
So be weird because the people that mind don't matter and the people that matter won't mind."

20. If you applying winged eyeliner factor in at least an extra 10 minutes.

21. Listen

22. Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow.

23. Meditation helps me organise my busy mind

24. After years of going to the gym I discovered how much I enjoy fitness classes

25. It's ok to be different

26. Cheesecake tastes like heaven

27. I'm a thinker and a reader

28. I prefer one to one conversations to big groups of people talking

29. I'm an introvert and I'm ok with that

30. I'd like to live by the sea

31. Always have a bottle of prosecco in the fridge, just in case

32. I need to balance my mind, body and spirit to feel 100%

33. I look forward to growing old with my sisters, who are the added bonus of being friends as well as family.

34. I think I was a magpie in another life because I'm always drawn to shiny, glittery things.



Last month we saw Scotlands very first Referendum come and go and even though the vote was to remain part of the UK I feel the whole process has definitely brought an end to the apathy most people felt to politics and their current situation, me included.

I read a quote that stated "The quality of a society is measured by the level of care that they extend to their young and old". I believe in random acts of kindness and paying it forward and definitely feel that the Referendum has increased this feeling of wanting to do more.

I was totally inspired by the pop up food bank "Glasgows Needy" that was set up in Glasgow's George Square and donated some food to it. This is a non profit charity that was set up to simply end poverty. A perfect example of someone seeing something that needs to change and making an effort to do so. How can we hold MP's accountable if we don't hold ourselves accountable to our actions towards our community.

As well as being socially conscious as an individual I have also decided to include my core values into the re-branded DeesignGeek where we will endevour to be socially conscious and community spirited through internal projects and collaborative projects. 

What could you do today to help someone's day be better?



This time last year I used to get up 30 minutes before I had to leave for work because that's how long it took me to get ready and I was ALWAYS literally running to catch my train every morning and usually missing it. 

I believe that you should take care of your mind, body and spirit as a unit to ensure you are working with the best version of yourself, I always exercised and looked after the "body" part but to look after the mind I started to meditate for 10 minutes. This meant I had to get up 40 minutes before I had to leave for work and to be honest when I first started it I didn't know how I was going to fit it in but there's a great saying that ~

"you should meditate for 15 minutes a day unless you don't have time, then meditate for 30 minutes". 

I am NOT a morning person but little by little I managed to increase my daily meditation time to 20 minutes and found that because I was calmer and making time for my morning routine (as well as getting ready for work) I actually had more time to do other things such as have breakfast and a short work out.
I really want to enjoy my morning's even if it is cold and pitch dark in the middle of winter and recently found out about the Ayurvedic philosophy
It believes the choices that you make regarding your daily routine either build up resistance to disease or tear it down. Ayurveda invites us to get a jump-start on the day by focusing on morning rituals that work to align the body with nature’s rhythms, balance the doshas and foster self-esteem alongside self-discipline. 

One of the things it suggests and I have decided to include is drinking warm water and lemonI think we all know this is meant to be good for us but I did wonder what it exactly helps with, check out the top ten benefits ~

1. Aids Digestion 
2. Cleanses Your System / is a Diuretic. 
3. Boosts Your Immune System 
4. Balances pH Levels 
5. Clears Skin
6. Energizes You and Enhances Your Mood.
7. Promotes Healing. 
8. Freshens Breath. 
9. Hydrates Your Lymph System. 
10. Aids in Weight Loss.

I read a quote recently by Michelle Obama who said she wouldn't think twice about getting up early to help with work or her kids but when it came to herself she just didn't make the time. How can you look after your loved ones if you don't look after yourself?

I've found that taking time out, especially in the morning to set the right intention for the rest of the day is the best way to show yourself love and respect, it's something you do solely for YOU!
When was the last time you did that?
What could you make time for that shows you care about yourself?

Even 10 minutes every day is a start.



I would like to be a "morning person" but I have to admit it feels a lot easier to get up early when the summer sun is streaming through my window and I have definitely felt my body struggling to wake up as the mornings get darker. 
My morning routine has changed since last autumn, I now meditate for 20 minutes every day and try to fit in a little bit of exercise too. My goal is to go for a run and meditate every day before work but I've not managed that yet and I decided to look at my routine.
I came across a post on the Free People Blog which I absolutely loved ~

"If there's any season to welcome change into your life, its Autumn. 
Don't just wake up earlier, make adjustments to the rest of your day to account for this change. 
Dawn is a different kind of dark, one full of possibility at the cusp of the day,
a time to appreciate the world around you.
Do some yoga, drink tea, write a few lines about thankfulness.
Our lives are so hectic in one form or another, any time we can set aside time to just "be" is so valuable and rare.
Make time to allow yourself to simply exist, to breathe in a new day and sit quietly.
Try being a morning person and your perspective of the day ahead could change dramatically"

After reading this I realised as well as changing my routine I had to change my attitude to how I felt about the upcoming winter mornings, I began to see it as an opportunity to invest in some "me" time which definitely helped get me out of bed (and the 3 alarms didn't hurt either). For the first time in years I am actually looking forward to Winter and using the time in the morning to fit more into my day and to spend time on myself.

How do you deal with dark mornings? I'd love to hear.



In part 3 of our Scottish Road Trip while we were visiting CJ's great auntie Eileen in Mull we decided to head to Iona for the day. It was pretty overcast and drizzly when we set out which I sort of liked as the hills and lakes looked very atmospheric but by the time we arrived in Iona the sun was out. I couldn't believe how blue the sea was and felt like I was standing at a tropical lagoon, so gorgeous.

We found a lovely little place to have lunch and I took a series of shots to merge together a panoramic view to show you.


We stayed in Islay for 2 nights and I absolutely loved it, the people were so friendly and I was slightly obsessed with this gorgeous beach  which we basically had it all to ourselves that we found when we went cycling.
I tried to show how big it was in the pictures but I don't think they do it justice.


This year CJ and I decided to go on a staycation instead of going abroad so we booked a week off, filled our little Ford KA up with a full tank of petrol and headed off. He has family on the Isle of Mull so that was the pinnacle of our trip and we planned our overnight stays around this, heading over to Arran for the day, then 2 nights in Islay, 3 nights in Mull and 1 night in Inverary.

I'm always worried about holidaying in Scotland as you have a high chance of rain but if you do get nice weather it can feel like you're somewhere tropical. As we set off from Ardrossan Harbour to head to Arran the sun was sparkling on the water and it felt great to get started.

This was the first time I had been to Arran and I really want to go back for a weekend rather than one day, it's so close and great for walkers and cyclist's.

Next stop Islay...



I am a graphic designer and all of my designs are created on a computer. Actually the last time I actually sketched something was probably about 10 years ago and I decided I really wanted to start illustrating again.
When I felt a little bit apprehensive about starting and worried that I'd be no good I knew I should definitely do it.

It's great having an idea about what you want to do but the hard part is executing that idea, I really love fashion illustrations and female portraits so started searching for life drawing classes and after finding various 10 week night class courses I found a weekly class where you could pay as you go, exactly what I was looking for!

I found that it really helped to have 2 hours of time allocated per week where I spent time drawing and I found it so relaxing and absolutely loved it, it feels like true "me" time. I think the next stage is to add some colour.

What have you wanted to try but are scared in case you're no good?
You might find something other than success and hey you'll never know if you don't try.



I can't believe that's another month gone!
I think April's goals were my favourite, although I started the 100 days of happy challenge in April it will actually carry on until July. The most surprising thing I found was how the smallest thing can flip your mood. My little pieces of happy included making time for myself, the sun, flowers, spring, trying something new, catching up with friends, celebrating birthdays and more.
At a time where we are busier than ever it can make a difference when you take time out of your day to register something that made you smile. Its especially great when you're feeling a bit down as you can go back and remind yourself of the good days you've had.

You can start it any time, why not give it a go?

The second goal I too part in was a Facebook challenge set by my fitness instructor . It was an AB challenge where you did a set of core moves every day and a new set were posted each week. It was a great way to introduce a new habit and learn new exercises as you chose how many repeats you did so it would take you anything from 1 min - 10mins, which you can definitely fit into your day. The 4 weeks went so quick I think I'm going to add it into my daily routine.
You can check out the moves and the video tutorial above if you would like to try it. 
Why not make it your May goal?


#100DaysofHappinessChallenge > DAY 8, 2nd PHOTO

Day 8 > Movie Date.
So far I have posted one image per day as part of the "100 Day's of happiness Challenge" but when a few things happened that made me smile today I thought why stop at one image surely the more things you can post per day the better! 
So here is my second image of happiness for Day 8. 

I had bought tickets for Sloans "Eat Film" where they were showing the classic Pulp Fiction.
Watching one of my favourite films with a bottle of wine and lovely food in
 a gorgeous old venue just made my day.


#100DaysofHappinessChallenge > DAY 8

Day 8 > Rainbow.
I've noticed that although I am managing to post a picture a day of something that makes me smile some days I don't notice it until late at night but today it was first thing.
This rainbow hit me between the eyes on my way to the train station and the picture doesn't do it justice as it was a lot brighter but it definitely made me smile and reminded me that sometimes we have to put up with a little rain before we find something beautiful.
I think rainbows have a slightly magical feel to them and I can't help but think of them as a sign that it's going to be a good day. 

#100DaysofHappinessChallenge > DAY 7

Day 7 > Game of Thrones Series 4.
Apologies for the image quality but I took a picture of the moving intro of Game of Thrones on my phone for this post.
I am so excited for the start of this series as I've watched the previous 3 series twice. I can't wait to see what happens as there are always twists and plots that you don't see coming.


#100DaysofHappinessChallenge > DAY 6

Day 6 > My leopard creepers.
I am a sucker for a leopard print and don't wear these enough. I'm always a bit self conscious before I put them on but as soon as I do I feel like a grrrl with attitude, a badass rockabilly chick that can take on the world.
I love how a piece of clothing or make up can totally change your mood and presents a little bit of your personality to the world.
Life's a catwalk!

#100DaysofHappinessChallenge > DAY 5

Day 5 > Saturday Pamper.
My mum and I decided to treat ourselves to some facials and a bit of lunch after. It was great catching up and a great reminder to make time for yourself and your loved ones.

#100DaysofHappinessChallenge > DAY 4

Day 4 > Spring flowers.
There's nothing like a bunch of fresh red tulips to brighten up your day.


#100DaysofHappinessChallenge > DAY 3

Day 3 > Bubble Bath.
I had my 2nd Insanity fitness class today and although I'm loving it, it is not getting any easier.
A big bubble bath and some scented candles were exactly what I needed.


#100DaysofHappinessChallenge > DAY 2

Day 2 > Brand new Tank Girl graphic novel announced
I am beyond geeking about the fact that the creators of Tank Girl, that include the amazing illustrator Jamie Hewllet of Gorillaz, are creating a brand new graphic novel!!!
I love it even more as it is totally funded by a kickstarter fund which I contributed to so feel like  I had a part to play in it's creation oh yeah and  I receive a signed copy of the 100 page A4 book when its released at the end of April!!!!
Happy? I'm bloody ecstatic!

#100DaysofHappinessChallenge > DAY 1

Day 1 > Fave retro movie date.
kahuna burgers / 5 doller shakes / preacher man / pulp fiction /  my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die / as you wish / Princess Bride / Kelly Le brock / movie date / sloans / he doesn't even have a license Lisa / Weird Science / we got one / stay puff man / slimer / Ghostbusters



So it's the 1st of April tomorrow and I've been thinking about what this months goal will be.

I had heard of the 100 Days of Happy Challenge that was popping up on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as my friend is now on Day 52 but I noticed it the other day and I thought it would be a perfect goal to achieve.
I will be mostly using Instagram and you can follow me to keep up to date with how I'm doing but don't worry I'll be posting on here too.

As well as the #100Days I will also be taking part in an AB-pril Fitness Challenge that my local fitness trainer has posted on Facebook . She's so motivating and you can also find access to diet tips, exercise routines and YouTube videos to follow. You should definitely check it out.

What's your goals for April?


My goals in January and February focused on creating a more positive mind and spirit so I decided that I would work on a healthier body in March.

I didn't want to go on a diet, I wanted to instil a truly healthier lifestyle as I had recently been diagnosed with an intolerance to sugar. This isn't very inconvenient as, when you start reading your food labels you discover that, sugar is in EVERYTHING!!!
It doubly sucks as I am a cheesecake fiend so I pretty much had to say bye bye to all my sweet treats.

The main reason for doing this was I had begun to notice that after about 6 weeks of "clean eating" I got sick of making good food choices, I just didn't want to think about it and eat all the "good" stuff I couldn't, so I binged and then totally regretted it for the week after. I felt bad physically and emotionally, major guiltfest.
The second time this happened I knew that this wasn't a healthy way to live either and I decided to make some changes.

I was the most serious I've ever been about working towards a healthier lifestyle and after a bit of research (Google, what did we do before Google?!) I found the Whole30 program.

It's a free, healthy eating program that you follow for 30 days, the main rules are:
- No sugar
- No alcohol
- No dairy 
- No grains
- No snacks
- 3 meals a day

It's a variation of the Paleo diet where you eat "real" food which helps you sort of "reset" your body and get rid of all the bad habits you've picked up.
I tried not to focus on what I couldn't have and looked at what I could have; e
very meal is built up around a portion of protein; beef, seafood, chicken, pork or eggs with as much specified vegetables as you like.
I also read the book "It starts with food" which was a great support tool as it breaks down food choices into 4 categories or questions you should ask before you eat it;

- does it promote a healthy psychological response
- does it promote a healthy hormonal response

- does it support a healthy gut
- does it support a healthy immune system.

I always need to know the "why" before I do something and then I can get fully behind it because I know the reasoning behind it and understand it better.
It was a great challenge, especially as I am not a great lover of vegetables or salads but I found my tastes changing and choosing salad as a meal, this is a big step for me.

It was a lot of work to  plan your meals and  cook them all from scratch but it was definitely worth it as it felt more like an investment in yourself rather than a chore.

I completed the 30 days and I feel the best I've ever felt: mentally and physically. 
I also feel that I've made lifelong changes to my attitude and relationship with food that I'll carry on.
if you want to make a change to your lifestyle I can't recommend this program enough! Seriously if I can do it, anyone can!



It is the end of March already so I decided to recap on my resolution to not set a resolution at the start of the year.
I decided to mix things up in 2014, instead of stating one big resolution to keep to for the WHOLE year I decided to give myself little goals to meet every month.

I've really enjoyed it but at the start of every month I'm like "I've got to do this for 30 whole days? No way will I do it" but I have and it has made me feel so much more accomplished than I think I would feel if I kept it up for say 6 months, got bored and then resolved to try again next year, where's the empowerment in that?

I'm one of those people who over thinks situations and has a million and one things going around in my head at one time, sometimes this works for me when I need to multi task but it was becoming more draining than useful so in January I set myself the goal to try meditation.

I was a complete beginner so to help me I used the website Headspace which offers guided meditation for modern living, it has a cool app you can download to your phone so you can grab some clarity wherever you are, great for when you sleep in so you can do it on the train (which can be a real test).

Let me be clear that when I decided to meditate every morning for 20mins, it wasn't an easy decision as "I am NOT a morning person" I repeat "NOT a morning person". 
I love my bed, I love my sleep and to fit in a daily meditation I had to get up at 6.30am every morning. It was hard at first but totally worth it, as almost instantly I noticed that I was less stressed and able to deal with difficult and people more calmly whereas before they would have definitely pushed my buttons.

I also noticed when the 30 days were up I had incorporated this single task into my routine so it was easier to carry on doing it, people say "if only I had an extra day" or "I need more time" but I'm starting to think the key is to make more of the time we do have to fit the things we want to do into our lives.
You can keep track of your progress which is great and so far I have completed 87 sessions and 23% of my Headspace journey. Looking forward to completing 100% by the end of 2014.



Over the last couple of weeks I've looked at self love and sisterly love but today I started thinking about the love you feel towards other people. 
As soon as I say that my mind instantly goes to my boyfriend and my best friend, the people you get on with and choose to have in your life because they're fun and they'd do anything for you and you them.

What about the difficult people in your life?
You know the ones, the family members that say inappropriate things at the wrong time or 
the friend that doesn't agree with ANY of your opinions and you start to wonder why your even friends.

How do YOU act around them?
Are you constantly on the defensive or try to limit the amount of time you spend with them? 

How about the next time you think about that difficult person you focus on the good things you love about them, go on there must be something! 
Send them love instead of negative thoughts and see how it changes your feelings towards them and then the actual relationship. This might sound like a lot of hard work and you might think why should I even bother, but think about how good YOU will feel when your not tense or aggravated before you are due to see them or when your in their company.

It's easy to love the lovable people in your life but why not show the unlovable's that you rate them too?
My friend "McDougal"s (if you read my TGROW post you'll have already heard of her,  
she's a fountain of knowledge and my "go to" if I need some straight talking advice) 
favourite quote is ~

"You get more with sugar than you do with sh**" 

Why not give the people you least enjoy spending time with a little sugar? 
You never know it might sweeten them up. 



All the couples celebrated Valentines Day last week and it got me thinking about the different types of love there is; mainly the love we have for our family.

I'm lucky enough to have 2 sisters and we've been there for each other through break ups, redundancies, house moves and land mark birthdays. There are times when we have been close and times when we have been distant. But the thing I love most about having sisters is that I know they will always be there for me regardless. There are so many stories that we talk about when we are together that we will never share with anyone else.....well maybe when we're 80 and then we'll start with "mind that time?"

I started writing about my 2 sisters and what I love about them but then I thought why not interview them instead. Danielle was sick this week so I let her off with it (which was just as well as Domonique gave me a ton of great answers) but you can read Dom's answers to my Q&A below. Enjoy!

                                 I'd like to think I'm a good listener, I always seem to be the first person someone comes to when they need some advice or a sounding board which I cherish. With that I also try not to be judgemental, ensuring I keep open minded in regards to people and certain places or situations.

                                 This is a hard one because I feel like we have alot together. However one that particularly sticks out in my mind is the Halloween I dressed up as Cinderella and you were both the ugly sisters. I remember it was your last year celebrating Halloween as you felt "too mature" to dress up anymore (which in reality you were, haha) but we had rehearsed this entire monologue for every house we visited and at the time in my element I thought you both must have been having just as good a time as I was. However with hindsight I can imagine you were cringing incredibly and only doing so to appease me so for that I'm grateful! 

                               Of course it has to be their conflicting personalities, wouldn't life be dull if you had two sister's with the same opinions, personalities and sense of humour? I feel fortunate that I get to hang out with two completely different characters and will always feel inspired and enriched in totally opposite ways when I do. 

                                 I know it sounds rather stereotypical but there really isn't a day that goes by that you find yourself feeling lonely. 
No matter how quiet your day is, there will always be a txt or a phone call. Also it goes without saying that you will always, always have your very own little army behind you, ready to help take on any battles you may succumb to in your life. Personally thinking of life as an only child is pretty inconceivable. 
One of my favourite description's that sums up being a sibling is taken from Goldie Hawn's memoir. She writes; 
"You realize that as siblings, you are the only people in the world who can reference your lives from a similar perspective. No one else has that ability; no one else lived inside those walls, knew your parents as people and is able to laugh or cry at the same things in the same way." 

                               Aside from the cocktail of medicines on my nightstand, I'll usually find solace in my heated blanket, good book and a movie - the older, cheesier and funnier the better in my opinion.

                                I'd really love to have all my family still around; happy and healthy. It would also be a nice surprise to have a large majority of my ambitions and goals list ticked with the addition of my life serving up a good amount of excitement, adventure and contentment as the last thing I'd want to be is bored and unfulfilled.  

                                That even though at the time a situation or experience can feel like the end of the world, believe it or not , it will make you a better, stronger and more resilient person that can draw from those experiences and grow as a better individual ready to take on the world.  

                                My dog Lily- she truly is a little ray of sunshine and always does something adorably funny to entertain. I may be pathetically too attached but to know her is to love her.

                                I have so many that motivates me in their own different ways but the one that's my classic go to feel good track has to be Tina Turner "Nutbush City". 

                               I like to live my life regret-less as I'm sure you do too. However we all know that sometimes certain situations slip through the net. When looking over your life is there anything in particular that you can say you regret or at the very least wish you could do differently? 
I honestly believe that every experience, good or bad has helped me learn and grow. Plus I have a habit of needing to do things the hard way to make sure I definitely do want to do it the other way, if that makes sense. But if they hadn't happened I don't think I would be the person I am today, who I quite like (queue epic 80's power ballad lol).
However If I could go back and change anything I wouldn't worry as much about what I thought people thought of me, half the time they're not thinking anything as bad as you think and are trying to deal with their own "stuff". 



2 pairs of trousers, 2 tops, a jumper, a hoodie, a jacket, 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of gloves, 2 scarfs, ear muffs, wellies and a ticket to "Electric Glen" at Rouken Glen.

It's a light installation event that was taking place in Rouken Glen but on the day of the event there was rain (as per in Scotland) and sleet with the promise of snow. I was actually checking the website every hour on the hour to see (I mean hoping) it was cancelled. When I was having no such luck I actually suggested we don't go, to which I got the reply "there's no such thing as bad weather just bad choice of clothes".
So off I popped to turn myself into the mitchellin man!

It snowed for a bit but I was so warm it actually looked quite pretty.

There was a cute walkway through the park where you passed coloured trees, patterned pathways and multi-coloured waterfalls. It took about an hour to walk around and I had a well deserved hot chocolate when we'd finished.

I'm so glad I made the effort, can you imagine if you cancelled plans because the weather wasn't ideal? 

You wouldn't do anything!



"People accept the love they think they deserve"
My favourite quote from one of my favourite books "Perks of a Wallflower"

Apologies for the MASSIVE image of me. I'm not actually that fond of getting my photo taken but how could I write a post on loving yourself and then let my insecurities take over?

So what's your thoughts on Valentines? a day where you can show people how much you care? or just another day? I believe we should show love EVERY day but you know how it is, we get so caught up in our lives we forget and need an allocated day where we are reminded to do this.

However the one person you should treat well every day is yourself! If your not happy with yourself how can anyone else make you happy? 
We constantly look to external factors to make us feel good internally, this can work temporarily but for a long term fix you need to accept some responsibility for yourself.

Sorry if that sounded a bit heavy and harsh but it's true. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture or take a long time to work on.

I've found that it helps to ~
Start small / Start now / Be honest / Do it every day.

1. Do something that makes you truly happy and brings a smile to your face, listen to your favourite song, do a stupid dance when no-ones around or meet a friend for coffee.

2. Don't over think what to do or make excuses for why you can't do it, just do something!

3. Be honest about what makes you truly happy and do it!
Do not let fear convince you that you will look stupid or that others will judge you, it's about making you feel better not them!

4. The key to making the "feel good" feeling stick is consistency, when you feel down you might go straight to the chocolate, hit the gym or call a friend but what if you were doing these things when you felt good too? It takes a lot of work to fit something new into your routine every day but it will be definitely worth it in the long run.

Another fun exercise to help you to start thinking about the promises you can make to yourself that I found on 
Gala Darling is to write your very own Self Love Manifesto. 
Start it with "Radical self love is...." and just write.

My personal manifesto is:
Self love is meditating every morning. 
Seeing the positive in every situation.
It's about fuelling your body with nutritious, healthy food and water but not feeling guilty if you swap it for cheesecake once in a while. 
Being authentic and not apologising for your approach to life. 
Self love is exfoliating and moisturising. 
Living your dream and pushing boundaries whilst having fun. 
Surrounding myself with supportive and loving people. 
Having a weird dance that NO-ONE will see but makes me laugh every time I do it. 
Doing what's best for me.
Self love is about being an individual and being connected. 

Learning lessons that are never finished and always evolving. 
Self love is about celebrating the small and big things that happen.

You can never have too much love in the world but why not start with yourself?