

I can't believe that's another month gone!
I think April's goals were my favourite, although I started the 100 days of happy challenge in April it will actually carry on until July. The most surprising thing I found was how the smallest thing can flip your mood. My little pieces of happy included making time for myself, the sun, flowers, spring, trying something new, catching up with friends, celebrating birthdays and more.
At a time where we are busier than ever it can make a difference when you take time out of your day to register something that made you smile. Its especially great when you're feeling a bit down as you can go back and remind yourself of the good days you've had.

You can start it any time, why not give it a go?

The second goal I too part in was a Facebook challenge set by my fitness instructor . It was an AB challenge where you did a set of core moves every day and a new set were posted each week. It was a great way to introduce a new habit and learn new exercises as you chose how many repeats you did so it would take you anything from 1 min - 10mins, which you can definitely fit into your day. The 4 weeks went so quick I think I'm going to add it into my daily routine.
You can check out the moves and the video tutorial above if you would like to try it. 
Why not make it your May goal?