

It happens every year. 
365 days pass.
You become a year older.
I was 34 in August.
This is the first year that I wasn't looking forward to adding another candle to my cake, this surprised me and sort of scared me. But instead of stressing about something I can't change I decided to step back and reflect on everything I've learnt in the past 34 years.
1. You are so much more than your job.

2. I am enough

3. Eating can well is the best way to show yourself LOVE and RESPECT

4. Thoughts are things

5. You don't always have to be doing something, sometimes it's enough to just "be"

6. When it comes to friends, I'll take quality over quantity every time

7. Family's worth the effort

8.No matter how sad I feel Candi Statons "You've Got the Love" always make me feel better.

9. Don't think before you speak

10. Time is an illusion

11. Scottish road trips are good for my soul

12. ....but so are holidays sunning myself by a pool

13. Drawing relaxes me

14. Bright pink lipstick is an instant pick me up

15. Exercise makes me happy

16. The world needs more kindness

17. Life is easier when you have money, but good friends, love and laughs are just as important

18. Sometimes you have to force yourself to do the thing that scares you the most, but when the alternative is staying where you are where's the fun in that

19. "Be Yourself. 
In the past I haven't been honest with myself or others about my dreams or interests in case they think I'm weird. How boring would the world be if we were all the same? 
So be weird because the people that mind don't matter and the people that matter won't mind."

20. If you applying winged eyeliner factor in at least an extra 10 minutes.

21. Listen

22. Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow.

23. Meditation helps me organise my busy mind

24. After years of going to the gym I discovered how much I enjoy fitness classes

25. It's ok to be different

26. Cheesecake tastes like heaven

27. I'm a thinker and a reader

28. I prefer one to one conversations to big groups of people talking

29. I'm an introvert and I'm ok with that

30. I'd like to live by the sea

31. Always have a bottle of prosecco in the fridge, just in case

32. I need to balance my mind, body and spirit to feel 100%

33. I look forward to growing old with my sisters, who are the added bonus of being friends as well as family.

34. I think I was a magpie in another life because I'm always drawn to shiny, glittery things.